PBIC’s roots are strongly connected to Polish culture. As part of our charity, we have a children’s Song and Dance group whose main mission is promoting Polish culture and traditions in the local community. This group is called Promethidion.
The group’s members are aged between 3 and 13. If you don’t know already, you’re probably wondering about their incredible outfits. They’re called Stroje Krakowskie – Krakow Folk Costumes. Find out more about the costumes.
Promethidion is much more than their costumes, their repertoire includes national Polish dances, historical songs, patriotic songs, children’s songs and Christmas carols.
The group performs at events for various occasions including Remembrance Day, Holocaust Memorial Day and Independence Day, Bedford River Festival, St Patrick’s Parade, Christmas Fayres, the Diversity Festival and the Refugee Week.
If your children go to a local Bedford school; they might have seen our wonderful group performing during Culture Week, teaching local children about Polish culture, costumes and traditional dances.
If you’re interested in signing your children up to Promethidion, please get in touch with Lucy at lucyna.ratajczyk@pbic.org.uk
And, if you’re interested in seeing the group perform, follow us on Facebook for regular updates and information about shows:
Promethidion performers wear Krakow Folk Costume
The girl’s costume includes a white blouse, a vest that is embroidered and beaded on front and back, a floral full skirt, an apron, a red coral bead necklace, and lace-up boots.
Unmarried women and girls may wear a flower wreath with ribbons while married women wear a white kerchief on their head.
The boys wear a blue waistcoat with embroidery and tassels, striped trousers, a krakuska cap ornamented with ribbons and peacock feathers and metal rings attached to the belt.