Support for Employers with the National Careers Service
If you have had to furlough your staff or make workers redundant due to the COVID-19 crisis, then the Polish British Integration Centre can provide support with the National Careers Service.
PBIC can support:
1. Companies with staff at risk of redundancy
- PBIC can help employers
tosupport their staff through one-to-one redundancy support, e.g. preparing a career ‘action plan’, or improving CVs and cover letters; - PBIC can refer you to additional services in support of wellbeing including financial support (>>Click here) and mental health (>>Click here). If your employees have been made redundant or are working on reduced hours, it would be best if they claimed all the benefits they are entitled to (>>Click here).
2. Companies which are currently recruiting:
- PBIC can match suitable candidates to vacancies available at your company – the PBIC supports employers across a range of industries
- PBIC supports individuals to apply for settled status, under the EU Settlement Scheme. The scheme has been introduced to secure the rights of EU citizens and to allow them to stay and work in the UK. If your organization employs EU citizens, you can contact PBIC for more information (>>Click here) https://pbic.org.uk/did-you-apply-to-the-eu-settlement-scheme/
3. Companies which have furloughed staff:
- PBIC can identify gaps in skill-sets and find online learning services for your employees to fill those gaps – learn more about The Skills Toolkit
- PBIC can refer you to additional services in support of wellbeing including financial support (>>Click here)
- PBIC can refer you to mental health support (>>Click here)
- PBIC supports employees to access a range of free online training to gain more transferable skills
Please contact the PBIC team on 01234 328100 or via email at info@pbic.org.uk and learn how the PBIC can support you as an employer and what kind of support we can offer your employees.